Summer Projects

This summer, I will be developing multiple projects in programming to better my practice, especially since I'm at my last year at Temple University. I will be aiming for at least 8 projects to do by the end of the summer. 2 easy projects, 2 intermediate projects, and 2 capstones. This will not only enhance my practice in programming, but it will be a great addition towards my portfolio and resume.

So far, I have completed 2 of the easy projects within a week. One project is on a basic Java programming expense tracker that uses JUNIT to show my output on an "application" using Inellij. I am very familiar with Java, but had to practice a little bit on the JUNIT for the output, which was very interesting. The use of switch statements made the project a lot easier for me to complete.

As input, the user needs to put in their current income, in which the computer will automatically split up the income in percentages based on home payments, food, insurance, etc. The user will then be prompted to put the expense they want to pay for and with how much they want to spend. If they input too much money for an expense, they will be warned by the computer that there is not enough money for the budget and to input another expense with the cost. You can find all my code on the Github in my bio.

Recipe Finder was a fun project to do. This project is designed to be a 1 page website using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Now, before starting this project, I had no idea about CSS, HTML, and JavaScript until I started practicing and programming. I had no clue that CSS, HTML, and JavaScript were the three languages needed to make a good performing and functional website. I also find these three languages very fun to use.

For the HTML component, I made the basic components of the website which included the title, an input box, a little design at the top-left of the website, and a button to find the recipes.

For the CSS component, I made a design that has very subtle colors to make it welcoming for the user. I also made sure to make the text and boxes pretty sizeable for the user, incase if anyone has any eye problems or sight issues.

For the JavaScript component, I had to figure out a way to incorporate a lot of dishes for user input, which is how I learned about Edamam API, which had a slew of recipes to use.

By incorporating the user input with the API, I was able to make a program that allowed the user to enter any amount of ingredients to their liking and find a slew of recipes to use with the ability to find the step-by-step instructions as well.

This website is also found here

The code can be found in my Github link in my bio.

So far, I have completed two simple projects and am moving on to the next project, which is a Password generator. This will allow the user to input how many characters they want for their password and generate a random password of nth characters.

So far, I have completed the design for how the website will look, but it still needs work to do. Today, I hope to at least finish the CSS and HTML form of the website.